Scotch Whisky
Scotch whisky must be distilled, aged in oak casks for at least three years, and bottled in Scotland. It usually comes from one of five distinct regions of the country, including the Lowlands, Highlands, Islay, Speyside, and Campbeltown.
Irish Whiskey
Irish Whiskey was originally the work of Irish monks, who were among the first to distill alcohol from grain. However, their first productions were likely sourced from grapes.
Bourbon Whiskey
Bourbon whiskey requires that its mash has at least 51% corn. Then, to qualify as a bourbon, the liquor must age in brand-new oak containers with charring on the inside. When they’re bottled, bourbon whiskeys must be at least 80 proof.
Tennessee Whiskey
If it’s not made in the ‘Volunteer State,’ it’s not Tennessee whiskey. That’s because this particular style of bourbon can only come from Tennessee. While the blend of the mash isn’t subject to any special requirements, this variety of whiskey must undergo charcoal filtering before bottling.
Canadian Whiskey
Everything about Canadian Whisky is Canadian. The entire mashing, distilling, and aging process take place in Canada. Like some other whiskeys, it ages in wooden barrels for three years, but the barrels can only be a maximum of 700 liters, no larger. The resulting whiskey must also be at least 40% ABV.
Rye Whiskey
Rye whiskey contains at least 51% rye grain. Some varieties have the minimum rye content, while others have more or even 100% like several bottles of whistle pig rye whiskey. Each distillery has a unique percentage. There are no additives to the liquor, only water. The aging process lasts at least two years and takes place in brand-new oak barrels that have charring.
Japanese Whisky
Japanese whisky has a global market, like some of the bigger, traditional, American, and European varieties. Most Japanese whiskey distilleries make exclusively single malt varieties, usually with a more subtle peat flavor than that of the Scottish makers. Now, Japanese makers have decided that by 2024 all Japanese whisky must meet specific requirements, including aged, fermented, distilled, and bottled in Japan
Made with Japanese water | Aged at least three years | Contain malted grain
Blended Malt Whiskey
Blended malt whiskey is more diverse than a single malt product. Instead of a single malt, perhaps from a single distillery, it comes from a mix. The resulting whiskey usually has a portion of 100% malted barley whiskey from two or more distilleries.
Flavored Whiskey
Flavored whiskeys tend to follow standard manufacturing and distilling processes. Some whiskey makers then take their standard flavors and throw in a wild card by supplementing their whiskey with flavors. There are flavored bourbons with honey, varieties of rye with pickle flavors, and others with flavors like…
Peanut butter | Cinnamon | Honey | Peach | Cherry